In order to reduce the administrative burden on the AMCA of sorting those that have a current membership and those that do not, you will need to first apply for Club membership. Once you have received your membership receipt, you should then apply for your AMCA licence.
1. You must have up to date Pre-65 Club Membership before your licence can be issued. The Club is required to confirm this to the AMCA before they will issue your licence.
2. There are 2 methods to apply for a licence:
a. Application Form requested when taking out Club membership (ensure you include a suitable SAE). This will be pre-signed/stamped to indicate your membership is up to date so that you can complete your details and send it directly to the AMCA.
b. Online via the AMCA website. Your name will then go on a Pending list that will be checked by the Club Secretary once a week and a confirmation sent to the AMCA of the applicant having up to date Club membership.
NOTE: The receipt you will receive when making an online payment is simply that. You DO NOT have a valid licence until the Club confirms your membership status and the AMCA issue it.
3. The ‘Home Club’ you select is the Club you have membership with. The Pre 65 Motocross club can only approve applications for members of the Pre 65 Motocross Club. If you are the member of another Club but have listed The Pre 65 Motocross Club as your “Home Club” then your options are for YOU to either inform the AMCA to change the “Home Club” or to join the Pre 65 Motocross Club.
4. Assuming all is in order it will take at least ONE week between you making your application and the AMCA issuing it, so make sure you apply in time for you to physically have your licence in hand for any event you may enter or you WILL NOT BE INSURED.